Sometimes a frog is just a frog

Your online profile should do more than deliver leads; it should filter out the leads that will never amount to anything. Businesses with long and high-development sales cycles often spend too much time trying to make something out of a dud lead. 

Whereas some leads will not pan out, others should never have reached your BDM team's inbox. Leads that don't understand your offer, have unrealistic expectations, and don't have the budgets are often the result of poor marketing and communications. They can crowd out the top of your sales funnel, waste your BDM's time, and create unrealistic and unrealisable sales expectations.

Identifying the frogs with potential

"intention marketing" is a form of online marketing activity used by Digital Storytelling Collective to meet potential new leads and customers with the correct information they need at every stage of the sales qualification process. In addition to the fact that this process develops better quality leads and conversions, it also helps filter out those who are not (and never will be) a good fit for your business.

Beyond the basics

Having a website is not marketing. Having a media presence doesn't necessarily build brand awareness and reputation. Sending an email every month does always drive news sales or client retention. Each item can be a tactical component in a marketing strategy, but they are rarely effective in isolation. 

Digital storytelling builds and implements marketing strategies based on your business and decades of real-world experience across countless global and local businesses. 

We even go so far as to build unique marketing technology, such as online business report builders and calculators, to provide your BDM teams with ready-to-go, fully qualified clients. These tools are the resources you need to convert your sales funnels into sales pipelines, filtering out the frogs and delivering the princes (or princesses) to your door.

Looking for a lead generation strategy that can transform new leads into dream customers?

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About Craig Harris

Craig Harris is an award winning copywriter and 30 year veteran of the Australian marketing sector.